0161 470 4746 | 07311 553 337 clearances@renewal-nw.com

Whether it’s spring time and you’re getting rid of a few things or if you’re moving out of your business to a new location, house clearance services can make the process easier. At Stockport House Clearance, we specialise in helping people just like you move out of their home or business quickly. Here’s a few ways we do precisely that.

Get a Quote Upfront

We make sure you know precisely how much your house clearance services will cost you up front. We strive to be affordable for businesses and individuals of all budgets and backgrounds, so we’re confident you’ll find our services to be an easy choice. Our man with a van business structure means we send a quote in advance so you can prepare accordingly.

Explore Your Options

At Stockport House Clearance, we offer you the choice to either resell your items or to dispose of them through our disposal services. Our goal is to make sure your needs are always met. We also offer recycling services for items that meet that criteria.

Choose a Company that is Licensed & Insured

Our team is completely licensed and insured to guarantee that your house clearance services are always done to the proper degree. We use a team who is experienced in house removals, to guarantee that everything is completed according to your timescale and plan.

Just like any service you need completed, those who are licensed and insured by the government have a better reputation among their competition and in front of their customers.

Decipher what you Want to Keep In Advance

Separate what you want to keep and what you want to discard long before you hire a team to come in and take your items away. This speeds up the process and ensures that nothing you do want disappears in the process.

At Stockport House Clearance, we can provide you with the man in a van services you need to clear out your house or business quickly. Give our house clearance services a shot for your next move out needs.