0161 470 4746 | 07311 553 337 clearances@renewal-nw.com

House clearance is a time-consuming and stressful process. It isn’t any wonder why people hire professionals to tackle the job for them.

As a professional company offering house clearances in Cheshire, Atricham and Marple, we specialise in helping our clients completely clear out their property. Unfortunately, it isn’t uncommon to hear horror stories from clients who hire non-licensed services to tackle the job at a cheaper rate. That’s not what we do.

Here’s a few reasons you should stop and think before hiring a non-licensed business to handle your house clearance in Altrincham or anywhere in the UK.


It is Illegal for Non-Licensed Businesses to Perform House Clearances

Did you know that it is illegal for non-licensed businesses to offer house clearances in the UK? The primary reason is Environment Agency laws and regulations. Companies who operate clearance services are required to register as waste carriers with the agency.

The goal of licensing is to protect dump stations and the environment from toxic waste and build up in unsanctioned areas. If illegal dumping takes place, it can cause serious damage to the livelihood of wildlife and individuals in the area. Licensing helps track companies who offer waste services and allows them to dump in appropriate waste stations.

You can easily check for a license with your company by asking them to offer their license for view. You can then verify its validity on the Environment Agency website.


It Costs Extra for Companies to Dump Waste

Many councils across the UK require dumps to operate with very strict policy adherence. This results in higher fees to individuals who are trying to get rid of toxic materials like pesticides, mattresses, and plywood. Without proper licensing, you’ll be subject to expensive waste fees that you likely don’t want to pay.

A licensed company can do the heavy lifting for you and dump your items at no additional charge to you.

If you need a qualified team of licensed professionals to provide a house clearance in Marple for you, we can help. We are fully licensed and will happily provide the house clearance you need quickly. Contact us today for more information!